"Dreaming-Neko"I'm new at this but, there are themes on Blogger and this is one of them. Neko put on his favorite do's and don'ts now it's my turn.....
four jobs I have had in my life:
- dogwalker
- secretary
- accountmanager
- receptionist
(sounds a bit boring doesn't it)
four movies I could watch over and over:
- Amelie
- Can't buy me love
- When Harry met Sally
- Life of Brian
(Mmm I think my subconscious is trying to tell me something)
four places I have lived:
- Vlaardingen, Netherlands
- Vlaardingen, Netherlands
- Rotterdam, Netherlands
- Vlaardingen, Netherlands
(not been around much, have I)
four TV shows I love/loved to watch:
- Charmed
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Fawlty Towers
- Desperate Housewives
four places I have been on vacation:
- Moscow, Russia
- Aruba
- Venice, Italy
- Barcelona, Spain
four websites I look at daily:
- my own
- gmail
- woophy
- flickr
four of my favorite foods
- anything pasta!
- Coca Cola (and no light stuff)
- Magnum, White chocolate and strawberry thingies inside (it's an obsession I tell you)
- Chocolate!!!
four jobs I would really stink at:
- Flight controller (anything responsible really)
- Taxidriver (I always get lost)
- analyst & Scientist (would def. blow up something one way or another)
- Beauty specialist (nightmare for the customers...once in a lifetime experience though)
four pretend monikers I’ll NEVER live up to:
- skinny and flat chested
- blond
- dull
- knock out
(sniff, sniff)
four movies I will NEVER watch again, ever:
- Nightmare on Elmstreet
- Titanic (brrrrrr, not really a romantic I'm afraid)
- Highlander
- ....
four places that I would NEVER live in:
- a dungeon
- toplevel of a skyscraper
- carton box
- birdcage
four things I HATE to do on my weekends:
- work
- be hung-over
- have to much to do and no time for 'day'dreaming
- answering phonecalls of any kind of callcenter telling me what I reallllyyyy should have to make my life complete...bleh
four liquor brands I’ve tried and enjoyed:
- Baily's
-...Red Wodka
- Good wine (does this count?)
- Just a gooooood cocktail really
four thing I CAN live without:
- flees anmosquito'sos (anything that stings or bites (except men of course))
- diets
- authority
- sleepless nights
four of my favorite cholesterol laden foods:
- Pancakes with melted cheese and syrup (sounds groase, but tastes like heaven...realllly)
- Ben and Jerry's Ice-cream....mjam
- Crispy potato chips
- Chocolate....chocolate and chocolate
four placeI i would rather be in right NOW:
- Oerol (festival I always go to, but not this year...moneyproblems...snif snif)
- on holiday (anywhere but here)
- in the arms of a handsome man, kissing the night away
- sleeping in a bed, that doesn't break my back
That's quite a list... mmmm should I publish this on the www? Oh what the hell, here it goes.