
Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Slippery Slipper(s)

Today my world went topsy turvy. Like always I waited till the very last possible moment to do things I should have done ages ago. In this case finishing my presentation for a design contest. It is due monday, but because I have a wedding tomorrow, it was now or never. It was to be expected that Murphy's Law would kick in as soon as the time pressure started to rise. It wouldn't have been such a big deal if I had had my wedding things, presents, speeches etc. in order, but that wasn't the case. Note to self never apply for a job as a wedding-planner.

So the whole morning I practiced being a tornado. Running left, right and doing 10 things at the same time and left my home in a total mess. But I had made it, my presentation was on it's way to Arnhem, my presents nicely paper-rapt with ribbons and all, my clothes & camera packed...I was ready to go. Or so I thought... On my way to the train station a brain-wave crackled and I was horrified. The one thing that I should not forget stood firmly in the hallway back home, perfect white slippery slippers with shoe-stretchers and all... Oeps. No time to go back... Fortunately I packed two outfits (know myself a little), so fate has chosen...gipsy skirt it is.

Slippery slippers aren't handy at weddings anyway. Who knows what I could fall into (big wedding-cake....brrrrrr)?!

1 comment:

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Mmm, falling into the cake...scrumptious.