Call me paranoid, or call me clairvoyant...think someone read something he shouldn't have....naughty...naughty...You can get some spanking for this one... according to mistress Jack. So beware to stick your pretty 'little' nose in things you are not ready for. Out here I'm the bosslady.
If you don't understand this gibberish...don't try to. Just had a very freaky day at work. And my hormones still have a dead-start on my poor brain. But they are trained because they only show their naughty little heads after workinghours. When I walk down the stairs, my hormones are racing 'upstairs'. People on the street must think I'm crazy by now...for having a big fat grin on my face. When I say grin...I mean GRIIIINN (ear to ear kind of thing)...talking and laughing to myself. Well white jackets look well with my kind of skin-tone...maybe I'll set a trend. Oh how nice it feels to be young and in lust. It's time to turn off the hormone switch ...cause I have to go to bed.... No not like that..shame on you.
Oh summer where are you when I need you most....sigh. Glad I'm not a man and have to endure this kind of hormonal stuff everytime I see a nice pair of legs pass me by... Still wish summer would rush in and spank little old naughty spring on it's naughty little head. Cause it's wearing me out.
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