Mmmm has been a while, hasn't it? Don't know what's up with me lately, I feel like a bear preparing for hibernation. In the meanwhile I've become 32, I almost need a new job and I'm still a 'happy' single. But that doesn't mean I don't do stuff.
This weekend I participated in a Photo Marathon in Rotterdam with a good friend of mine, we had a lot of fun. It's nice to have a friend you can spend 24 hours with in total harmony, not needing to talk unless you want to, to feel free to go your way and knowing you won't hurt someone's feelings. We've known eachother all our lives and I'm glad she is back in Holland again.
The Marathon was a blast, 24 hours, 24 assignments, 24 photos and 6 checkpoints all over the city. A sheik on a bike wanted to take me home at 5 am in the morning, promising me a world premiere if I went with him...eh...don't think so, but it made me smile. Lissa and me broke into a building construction site, went over the fence (can't believe I made it) and roamed this Nomandsland hunting for a picture. It was fascinating and I took some terrific shots, only to delete them again, because only one picture per assignment was allowed. After 16 hours we went to her brothers house and took some shots, me under a sword's blade (iek) and her brother sweating (sponged the poor guy with cold cold water) on a hometrainer. I took a terrific shot of his back, but because it was Lissa's picture I had to delete it. So I asked if I could download my picts on his computer. And then Murphy said Hi. Memorycard exploded, PC imploded, my camera said F...you and pictures allllll gonnnnneeee....AAAARRGH. Fortunately her brother (Bless his soul) was so smart to download all my picts instead of only his picture....pfffffew. So after a lot of stress, breathing exercises, my camera kicked back into action and I mailed my pictures to the organization. Stepping out in the brisk nightair I was wide awake and happy to continue.
In about two weeks the pictures taken during this marathon will be on the website: www.fotomarathon.nl
And within a month or so we meet again and the winners of the best sera and best photo are gonna be announced. Don't think I'll win something, because the Marathon was flocked with prof. photographers with canons instead of camera's. But the challenge and the fun will stay with me a long time. It was tiring but it was worth while. I know now that I'm getting older... couldn't get out of bed this morning because all my muscles were knotted together and the pain...auw auw auw. Feeling a bit better now, but ...auw auw auw. I had some aches last friday and Saturday during the marathon I was a bit stiff, but Sunday was OK, so I didn't expect this to happen. Well hope I'll be ready for work tomorrow, so much to do, the week has started, so let's get to work. :))
Oh before I forget this were the assignments (from left to right)
- Seen through a window
- Vertigo
- Dodo (Walgvogel...wist ik veel dat dat een Dodo was...)
- The man who knew too much ("Everything of value is funerable" Lucebert)
- Nomansland
- Camel Toe
- Spirit of Salt
- Dixieland
- Though City (Kranige Stad)
- My stampcard somehow ended up in the middle (???!)
- Zero Tolerance
- Wrong Moment
- Dagschotelman (really couldn't translate that expression in English...eh...anyone?)
- Meeting with Henk
- Revenge in the name of honor (Eerwraak)
- Cold Sweat
- Drowning by numbers
- Swingers Party
- La grande Bouffe
- Aasgier en Asfaltbloem (like Dagschotelman...just couldn't find the right words)
- Dogwatch (last nightshift on a ship)
- 6st Sense
- optical illusion
- The blue hour
- Why me (statue in remembrance of the Second World War..1940-1945)

The naughty picture that almost exploded a computer, a memorycard, a camera and a photomarathon...isn't it worth the while?! :))
1 comment:
Some very cool photos there. And the photo marathon is an excellent concept. Good luck :)
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