I've always been surprised and fascinated by how the humanmind works, especially the mind of women in the workplace. I am having a very good time at my work...liking the job and having a lot of fun with my crazy boss. We laugh a lot and I get him most of the time (his humor is just like my brother's). Let me say it clicks. And I'm glad because after my previous experience with my former boss, I really needed to. So I'm thinking, sunshine, hard work and a lot of laughs...I did something right. Till yesterday one of my colleagues pops the question "Which one has a relationship with ...."my boss", he spends so much time in your room?!" They really had me... I was flabbergasted, "What the f...?"
And then it hits me...jealous? Why ask that, you know he has a girlfriend, what goes on in that twisted little head of yours? Oh I get it, you don't like it that we're having fun? You got the sole right on that, have you? Or are you just so bored and so sexually unsatisfied, that you have to make up juicy stories about other peoples lives so yours doesn't seem so bleak and boring?!
Sorry if I get a little strong about this, but I had hoped to leave this kind of nonsense at my former job. What is it that makes some people resent others to have fun and to like their jobs? I almost felt like I had to put some distance between my boss and myself. I don't want to get him into any kind of trouble. But on the other hand, this kind of behavior says more about them, then it says about me. Let them have their silly fantasy, it just makes me angry and also a little sad, that I have to face this kind of stuff everywhere I go...

1 comment:
hi...my name is Ashby Gore...i was just looking through some radom blogs and i found yours which seem to be interesting..... i also noticed you are from the netherlands...i am a college student in Fort wayne, Indiana in the United States.... right now i am studing communications....one of our assignments are to write about a different culture and how communication is different from our own... i was just wandering if we could exchange emails or something so i can get to know more about your culture and communications. You can email me at gorea01@ipfw.edu
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