Today I visited my grandmama again. And although I had silly fun yesterday with my friend Maggie It all seemed to wash away when I went into her room and saw her lying there. Oh so still and working for every breath she took.
It's taking to long, noone should have to die so, oh so slow. But she won't let go of life, she is fighting every step of the way. It makes me wonder...what for? My mother and her husband are waiting to take her in their arms on the other side. What does she have in this life, that is worth this kind of struggle and pain? What makes it worth her while? Is it maybe the gentle care of my aunty, that makes her want to hang on just a little longer. Or is it just plain stubborness of a woman who has always had her way? Even in dying she is strong and powerful, you got to give her that. Silly woman...let go....we all will meet again soon. Time is such a strange thing. Before you know it, we will all be by your side again and in the meanwhile you can boss us around from up there.
Hi Aqua,
Thanx for your comment on my granny.
Beautiful poem.
She passed away last wednesday. But I don't think that she had any negative energies in her body. She just couldn't let go of life I guess. The last sentence she wrote in her diary a couple of years back said; "It has been great". She was a force of nature that didn't know the word 'quit'.
Think the poem tells something of not wanting to let go and face reality. Rather fool yourself and live in a dreamworld then face the pain and take a step in a new direction (much like you said). But it also has something romantic about it, not wanting to let go for not wanting to lose a person or end an episode in your life twice, once in real life and once when you let go, give up and let it fade away. Like Shakespeare once said: "Parting is such sweet sorrow."
Hi Aqua,
If you want to see something, go to my archive of march 5th. I put a small summory of my graduationproject on my blog. Hope you like it.
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