
Monday, March 13, 2006

Fujimugs Fever

Let the games begin... Since a couple of weeks I participate in photo challenges by Fujimugs. The last challenge (Moods & Atmospheres) I ended up at a 13th and 23th place from the 2x60 participants. Not bad if you take into account that there are quite a few prof.photographers who send in photo's.

I missed my great shot of the Erasmus Bridge, but taking my Olympus with me every day and using it as a kind of notebook helped me to figure out what to do with the theme 'Incomplete'. There are quite a few artworks in Rotterdam that are the embodiment of it. So I hope the weather is gonna be nice and shiny this weekend, because I'm 'coming out'.

Fujimugs is real fun ( I can recommend it to everyone who likes to take pictures and wants to become better at it. But beware... it's addictive. I can't look at things as I used to, my eyes are constantly searching for the next shot... zoom in, zoom out... hence the nickname Zoomfreaky.

A favorite of mine is Yirmon, he really can take a picture and he's got his own blogsite called:
He tries to put 1 photograph a day on his site and just from looking at his pictures I've learned a lot. And I know I've got a long way to go. But that was the whole point... undertaking things, stepping on that road and learning along the way.


Anonymous said...

I was so sorry to here about your cat pasing away, I hope you are feeling bettur now?

Zoomfreaky said...

Ehhh, they are both alive and kicking.
Think you have the wrong blogger Morris.