Does anybody have a roadmap to "I was lost, but now I am found" city? Please stand up...!
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Wedding Bells

I never thought I would be the one to shed a tear or two on a wedding, but when my friend Nicole got married friday, it took a lot of effort not to. She looked so beautiful and happy and it is amazingly beautiful to see two people so in love. Especially because the road to that moment in time hasn't been all that easy. But they conquered all and they love each-other knowing each-other through and through. No unrealistic love-story love where all the characters are perfect and life is only pure bliss. But the real thing, knowing each-others flaws, problems and hardships getting each-other through obstacles, working like a well oiled team and still loving each-other madly.
Those two mended my cynic little heart a little, the possibility that there are still men walking around who just get it, is a relieving feeling...thanx Len. Now I only have to find me one of my own.
I am honored that I was one of the four witnesses of their wedding. And when I stood next to them in church I felt humbled, because only then did I realize what I must mean to her and it took me by surprise. I am touched deeply by that thought...thanx Nic...love you.
The whole day was amazing starting at 6 am and ending at 3 am. For the first time in my life I witnessed a marriage in full. From the hairdressers where I drove everyone wild with taking pictures of almost everything, to taking pictures, saying yes in townhouse and chapel, dinner, reception and party. Roel and I took pictures of the incoming guests at the reception and party and after a while we went crazy. It was fun, but also a bit tiring. The most scary moment was when I sang a serenade to Nic and Len (and about 150 other people). It scared the .... out of me, my knees were actually slamming into each-other. But it was worth it, when I saw the look on their faces. I think I gave them a present to remember. Thanx Aretha and Natural Woman.
These couple of days left a warm glowing feeling in my tummy and I enjoyed every minute of it. Still hear the wedding bells ringing softly in my ears and seeing the adoration in Len's eyes when he saw Nic for the first time in her beautiful wedding-dress. I hope that one day a man will look at me that way. I don't have to get married, just want to find the guy who knows me through and through and still loves me for all I am.... to find my other half and be complete if only for a short while. Glad I can still dream and my cynic heart has melted enough to let that thought in...who ever is next, I beg of you... don't ruin that feeling for me.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
The Slippery Slipper(s)
Today my world went topsy turvy. Like always I waited till the very last possible moment to do things I should have done ages ago. In this case finishing my presentation for a design contest. It is due monday, but because I have a wedding tomorrow, it was now or never. It was to be expected that Murphy's Law would kick in as soon as the time pressure started to rise. It wouldn't have been such a big deal if I had had my wedding things, presents, speeches etc. in order, but that wasn't the case. Note to self never apply for a job as a wedding-planner.
So the whole morning I practiced being a tornado. Running left, right and doing 10 things at the same time and left my home in a total mess. But I had made it, my presentation was on it's way to Arnhem, my presents nicely paper-rapt with ribbons and all, my clothes & camera packed...I was ready to go. Or so I thought... On my way to the train station a brain-wave crackled and I was horrified. The one thing that I should not forget stood firmly in the hallway back home, perfect white slippery slippers with shoe-stretchers and all... Oeps. No time to go back... Fortunately I packed two outfits (know myself a little), so fate has chosen...gipsy skirt it is.
Slippery slippers aren't handy at weddings anyway. Who knows what I could fall into (big wedding-cake....brrrrrr)?!
So the whole morning I practiced being a tornado. Running left, right and doing 10 things at the same time and left my home in a total mess. But I had made it, my presentation was on it's way to Arnhem, my presents nicely paper-rapt with ribbons and all, my clothes & camera packed...I was ready to go. Or so I thought... On my way to the train station a brain-wave crackled and I was horrified. The one thing that I should not forget stood firmly in the hallway back home, perfect white slippery slippers with shoe-stretchers and all... Oeps. No time to go back... Fortunately I packed two outfits (know myself a little), so fate has chosen...gipsy skirt it is.
Slippery slippers aren't handy at weddings anyway. Who knows what I could fall into (big wedding-cake....brrrrrr)?!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Zoom in, out and around the world

Yesterday I finally managed to get Google Earth on my Mac...WOW.... I always wanted to travel, but somehow I never got around to do it. So Google Earth is a revelation for me, the first thing I looked for was New York (they put it up in 3D!) and then I tried Georgetown, Gyuana (wanted to see where you live GG). But every great system has a flaw and in this case a BIIIIGG cloud covering almost all of Gyuana, my bad luck. I don't know what Georgetown looks like, but now I do know where the Greek island Ios is located. A good friend of mine always goes there for the holidays and now I have a spot on the map to prick her stories on. The most scary and wondrous thing was, that I saw my own rooftop....the whole world can look down on my house, if only they would now where to look, strange notion. Big Brother is watching...that's for sure.
The other funny thing, now that I'm talking 'global', I found out that my Internet alias Zoomfreaky only belongs to me, myself and I. On the entire world wide web, there is no Zoomfreaky to be found, except for myself. That's quite unique, don't you think.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Playing Tag

Oh so quite...
Today Sunshine said hello and during our lunch-break, my colleagues and I walked to the Erasmusbridge and sat and ate in it's wake. While overlooking the calm water, wind in my hair, sun in my face, surrounding sounds slowly melted away and became distant and obscure. Ever present voices in my head silenced for those precious moments...oh so quite. Just enjoying the very basics of being; breathing, the feeling of wind and sun on my skin, smelling the salty air, oblivion to things like time, tomorrow, things to do. Just me and my little place on earth next to my favorite bridge over 'troubled' water.
Tonight the night feels like summer, fragrant, soft and promising.....
Am a bit drunk, not healthy to have chatty neighbor's only a door or 2 away. Laughed a lot, drank a lot....and "Oh dear, have to go to work EARLY IN THE MORNING" What shall we do with the drunken sailgirl...WHAT SHALL we do with the drunken sailgirl etc. etc. Sweet bed...here I come.....
Am a bit drunk, not healthy to have chatty neighbor's only a door or 2 away. Laughed a lot, drank a lot....and "Oh dear, have to go to work EARLY IN THE MORNING" What shall we do with the drunken sailgirl...WHAT SHALL we do with the drunken sailgirl etc. etc. Sweet bed...here I come.....
Monday, April 24, 2006
Where is my head?!
Where is my head, did it leave for the Bahamas, Bonaire or the Bermuda Triangle? Well if so, "Please Head...switch places with my hormonal rebellious limps, will you. Can't get any work done with all those lusty hormones frolicking around all day." Quite frustrating and irritating as well, because I'm coming down with something. Unfortunately it isn't the flue and aspirins aren't the cure. Bugger... can anybody tell me where the h... the offswitch is located, think I will call my personal electrician...soon! In the mean while I will try to track down my obstinate little head, lying on the beach while the rest of us is trying to work...pffff. Some parts just don't get it, do they.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
I think I'm coming down with something. Yesterday my hoarse voice could still be called sexy, today it's more like the squeaking of a bird on fire. That I got drunk with friends and danced all yesterday-night, doesn't really help. But this girl just wants to have fun. Don't think I'm gonna seduce any male with this tone of voice anytime soon. Or should I look at all yummy boys and men like I'm speechless with admiration of every word they say? Neh... Think I'm gonna draw down the curtains, roll over and play dead on my couch, watch some soaps and feel sorry for myself.
How many flowers a bouquet makes

Thursday it was secretaryday in the Netherlands. I forgot all about it, but when I turned on the radio that morning it was the topic of the day. Bosses are supposed to appreciate their female workers more on that day. I think it's kind of stupid. The same as Animalday....you've got to be good to someone all year, not just one day. Anyhow... my boss forgot it all together. So I could tease him all day...was quite a lot of fun. Especially when my employment agency came around with a big bouquet of flowers, then the teasing really started. Especially because he always says he always remembers this kind of stuff. Finally I took mercy on the poor guy and told him I'd rather have a nice 'thank you' once in a while then a big bunch of flowers. So he started to say 'thank you' very sincerely during the rest of the day... And I was counting them...one, two...seven. So when we were about to leave for home, I asked him; how many flowers does a bouquet make? He looked kind of puzzled, then smiled and said about 20 flowers. So I told him to hurry up, because I only had about 7 flowers of 'Thank you's'. But he's working on it. Yesterday he treated my colleagues and I on a glass of good wine during our lunchbreak... Sitting in the sun with a glass of wine in my hand and looking over the harbor of Rotterdam, I thought I had more flowers I could handle... My home is now a flowerbed in all colors and sizes...and they will last much longer then a week or two.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
So much for principles.... Walked through a red light in plain sight of a lot of coppers. Stupid, especially when I saw them from a mile away. But I'm not a hypocrite...if I do it when they're not around, I'll do it right under their noses. Just my luck that one took a big sniff, sniffed me out and gave me a fine..Busted!
Something about cops that really gets on my bad side. Whenever I see them I want to provoke them. Worked about a year with them in Rotterdam and that wasn't to good for my appreciation of the lot in general. My former boss said I have a problem with authority...think she is right...really don't like uniforms on people who 'think' they can tell me what to do... It's like waving a red flag at an enraged bull, I just shift into overdrive. Only this time my overdrive in principles is going to cost me.... so I'll say it again.... "So much for principles."
Something about cops that really gets on my bad side. Whenever I see them I want to provoke them. Worked about a year with them in Rotterdam and that wasn't to good for my appreciation of the lot in general. My former boss said I have a problem with authority...think she is right...really don't like uniforms on people who 'think' they can tell me what to do... It's like waving a red flag at an enraged bull, I just shift into overdrive. Only this time my overdrive in principles is going to cost me.... so I'll say it again.... "So much for principles."
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Oh deary me...the seduction of the necklace
Something about a fragile necklace on a muscular neck strikes a cord both hot and tender. Confusing me what it is I'm feeling the moment I look to see his shoulder flow into the base of his neck, a beautiful curve of muscles.. Oh deary me, oh deary me... I am one confused little wench...am I. To get turned on by a necklace on a man who shouldn't be on my mind...Oh deary me, oh deary me.... oh what the hell....I'm happy.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Oh so sleepy

Sunday, April 16, 2006
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Zoom in the Zoo
My sisterinlaw, her two little kids and I went to the Zoo today. Hadn't been there in a while and took my camera with me. The kids just didn't have their day, but hey..that can happen. On the other hand...I was in my element, beautiful pictures where ever I turned my head. I think I will do this more often, really got a kick out of it. Anyway here are some examples of the 'wild' life in Rotterdam...hope you enjoy them.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006
The goldfish has landed

Between a rock and a hard place
Know the feeling? Which way you go, trouble is luring around the corner to jump you? Well got moneyproblems all right. Yesterday I could make fun of it, now I only want to huddle up and cry my eyes out. Only a few hours ago, things looked grey but not impossible. Now I am not so sure.
One party says they have paid my salary, the other says it has never received any and I am in between, like a clueless pingpongball. Asking one, then the other...but if you don't have it and the other says he paid it. What the hell do I tell all the companies which I owe money to. Well says one:"Call the other, cause we did our job, we investigated it and the money is out of here." Call the otherone," says the otherone "cause we didn't receive any money, it must be their fault, because we are always right," . And I am still in between a rock and a hard place and it's getting tight.
One party says they have paid my salary, the other says it has never received any and I am in between, like a clueless pingpongball. Asking one, then the other...but if you don't have it and the other says he paid it. What the hell do I tell all the companies which I owe money to. Well says one:"Call the other, cause we did our job, we investigated it and the money is out of here." Call the otherone," says the otherone "cause we didn't receive any money, it must be their fault, because we are always right," . And I am still in between a rock and a hard place and it's getting tight.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Oh money-tree oh money-tree
Oh leprechaun where are thee
I only see mountains of unpaid bills
No extra's to satisfy my thrills
Oh money-tree oh money-tree
Oh wealthy man where are thee
I'm tired of my penny-road
I'll even kiss an ugly toad
In hope of fortune and a handsome prince
Oh money-tree...please...just a hint
Oh leprechaun where are thee
I only see mountains of unpaid bills
No extra's to satisfy my thrills
Oh money-tree oh money-tree
Oh wealthy man where are thee
I'm tired of my penny-road
I'll even kiss an ugly toad
In hope of fortune and a handsome prince
Oh money-tree...please...just a hint
Monday, April 10, 2006
Just plain paranoid

Call me paranoid, or call me clairvoyant...think someone read something he shouldn't have....naughty...naughty...You can get some spanking for this one... according to mistress Jack. So beware to stick your pretty 'little' nose in things you are not ready for. Out here I'm the bosslady.
If you don't understand this gibberish...don't try to. Just had a very freaky day at work. And my hormones still have a dead-start on my poor brain. But they are trained because they only show their naughty little heads after workinghours. When I walk down the stairs, my hormones are racing 'upstairs'. People on the street must think I'm crazy by now...for having a big fat grin on my face. When I say grin...I mean GRIIIINN (ear to ear kind of thing)...talking and laughing to myself. Well white jackets look well with my kind of skin-tone...maybe I'll set a trend. Oh how nice it feels to be young and in lust. It's time to turn off the hormone switch ...cause I have to go to bed.... No not like that..shame on you.
Oh summer where are you when I need you most....sigh. Glad I'm not a man and have to endure this kind of hormonal stuff everytime I see a nice pair of legs pass me by... Still wish summer would rush in and spank little old naughty spring on it's naughty little head. Cause it's wearing me out.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Run Baby Run...just don't fall flat on your face

Today the Rotterdam/Fortis Marathon was held...and I decided to take some pictures. I had the perfect picture all planned out in my head...and there it stayed, because just before I reached the perfect spot...I fell flat on my face busted my knee and hand and knocked my chin on the pavement...auw. Had to go to the ambulance were some nice fooks patched me up. From within the ambulance I watched the first runners pass us by on the other side...the side I just stood a few minutes ago and the side I couldn't get a clear shot of now. Took some shots after all this, but the fun was gone and after the last runner past me by...I went on home...very grumpy and very sore. The day went unexpectedly well from then on, but it was a bumpy start... I can tell you that.

My heroes.....

Run baby run...

They've got it made...pffff

Got to suffer for the perfect picture...and well...missing it.... Something about the Erasmus bridge... I'm jincked

Aauuwwww...won't someone kiss my knobby knee
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Spring(y) Hormones

Three ways to recognize spring are in my case:
* Runny nose and puffy eyes...(hay-fever)
* Fat bills to pay and
* Hormones flying all over the place
I can tell you that my symptoms are going through the roof, especially the last one. I want to get my teeth in some hunky man.
And I'm afraid my boss is no 1 on my list. My brain is putting up a decent fight, but is loosing ground fast...oops.
Well fantasies aren't illegal, are they and it's actually quit fun. I'm just hoping he doesn't notice because then it becomes a whole different ball-game. And I don't think I'm ready for that. I mean he's in my fantasies, but he's got to stay there. No "get out of my dreams and into my life" stuff for me. What's the fun in that?
Every spring it is the same thing all over. I feel the wind softly stroking my skin and there I go again, wanting to moan, right in the middle of a conversation/ in the middle of the street and so on... Well Mother Nature you did your work well. A bit to well in my case. But you left something out because I prefer fantasies over the real thing. Men are a pain and they are an itch I don't like to scratch. Sorry guys.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Saying Farewell and saying Hello
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