Does anybody have a roadmap to "I was lost, but now I am found" city? Please stand up...!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Salty Air

Sexy High Heels
Ok I admit it, I'm a woman and shoes, well they seem to have a kind of magnetic pull. Especially if they are Italian designer shoes, with sexy high heels and soft Italian leather...and well they only cost a quarter of their original prize. It's a bargain and who can resist a bargain...not me, that's for sure.
I love the way they make me look and feel, all sexy, womanly and oh so powerful...I feel like shouting: "Watch out world, here I come."
And to top it all off, I bought an outfit to go with it, that says "Hire me, I'm different, you want different, or just well.... do you want me, do you, do you... try and catch me, but wait a sec while I put on my trainers...:)." I have my first job-interview next Wednesday and I think I will leave an impression. Fingers crossed.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
How to be Homesick at Home Sweet Home...

I am Home Sweet Home, but I still feel Homesick. I already miss the sweet, heady smell of Terschelling, the smiling eyes of good friends and the bubbly feeling that I belong to strole on that beautiful island. Everything seems to shine brighter there, the colors are more vibrant, happiness seems to come effortlessly with sand between my toes and wind playing with my hair. It was pure bliss and now it is over...but I am charged once again and ready for my life on the mainland. Whatever may happen during these next 12 months...I will be on that boat next year...standing on deck and breathing in the salty air full of promisses of new adventures and new people to meet...I just have to wait... And well waiting sets my heart on fire and my soul ablaze...next year...next year...you'll see.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Lucky Me...Oerol Fantasy

Sunday, June 07, 2009
He's just not that into you

The last couple of weeks I've been sort of interested in a guy I have know for ages. It took me by surprise and at first I didn't know what to do with myself, because it was so sudden. Let's face it... I'm dead shy when it comes to men I like. And that's a bit of a problem, because I seem so outgoing most of the time. So when I turn to being cold and distant all of a sudden, most men think, I don't like them anymore... How strange...:) The guy in question...let's call him mister A, has a lot of women buzzing around him. I call them barracuda's, because of their predator nature. I find this cat and mouse game quite amusing, beats lifeTV anytime. But yesterday I got a taste of the flip side of this game...karma will always be karma. So I was strolling around on one of his Bohemian parties, very determined to go for it. Surprise, surprise, I chickened out and secondly I got the strong impression he was avoiding me with a passion. Only to have me realize that now I'm the one with the hungry look in my eyes and I'm scaring him off big time...I have drifted into deeper waters and am no longer that harmless little tropical fish with the nice shiny colors, but the dangerous and vicious barracuda ready to eat him alive. And then I realized another thing...."Hé girl, he's just not that into you...." Ouch...so much for my fluffed up ego...