I'm new at this but, there are themes on Blogger and this is one of them. Neko put on his favorite do's and don'ts now it's my turn.....
four jobs I have had in my life:
- dogwalker
- secretary
- accountmanager
- receptionist
(sounds a bit boring doesn't it)
four movies I could watch over and over:
- Amelie
- Can't buy me love
- When Harry met Sally
- Life of Brian
(Mmm I think my subconscious is trying to tell me something)
four places I have lived:
- Vlaardingen, Netherlands
- Vlaardingen, Netherlands
- Rotterdam, Netherlands
- Vlaardingen, Netherlands
(not been around much, have I)
four TV shows I love/loved to watch:
- Charmed
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Fawlty Towers
- Desperate Housewives
four places I have been on vacation:
- Moscow, Russia
- Aruba
- Venice, Italy
- Barcelona, Spain
four websites I look at daily:
- my own
- gmail
- woophy
- flickr
four of my favorite foods
- anything pasta!
- Coca Cola (and no light stuff)
- Magnum, White chocolate and strawberry thingies inside (it's an obsession I tell you)
- Chocolate!!!
four jobs I would really stink at:
- Flight controller (anything responsible really)
- Taxidriver (I always get lost)
- analyst & Scientist (would def. blow up something one way or another)
- Beauty specialist (nightmare for the customers...once in a lifetime experience though)
four pretend monikers I’ll NEVER live up to:
- skinny and flat chested
- blond
- dull
- knock out
(sniff, sniff)
four movies I will NEVER watch again, ever:
- Nightmare on Elmstreet
- Titanic (brrrrrr, not really a romantic I'm afraid)
- Highlander
- ....
four places that I would NEVER live in:
- a dungeon
- toplevel of a skyscraper
- carton box
- birdcage
four things I HATE to do on my weekends:
- work
- be hung-over
- have to much to do and no time for 'day'dreaming
- answering phonecalls of any kind of callcenter telling me what I reallllyyyy should have to make my life complete...bleh
four liquor brands I’ve tried and enjoyed:
- Baily's
-...Red Wodka
- Good wine (does this count?)
- Just a gooooood cocktail really
four thing I CAN live without:
- flees anmosquito'sos (anything that stings or bites (except men of course))
- diets
- authority
- sleepless nights
four of my favorite cholesterol laden foods:
- Pancakes with melted cheese and syrup (sounds groase, but tastes like heaven...realllly)
- Ben and Jerry's Ice-cream....mjam
- Crispy potato chips
- Chocolate....chocolate and chocolate
four placeI i would rather be in right NOW:
- Oerol (festival I always go to, but not this year...moneyproblems...snif snif)
- on holiday (anywhere but here)
- in the arms of a handsome man, kissing the night away
- sleeping in a bed, that doesn't break my back
That's quite a list... mmmm should I publish this on the www? Oh what the hell, here it goes.
Does anybody have a roadmap to "I was lost, but now I am found" city? Please stand up...!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
I thought I saw.... no way....
Mmmm I must be having severe detox side-effects of it being weekend and I'm not working. For I swear I saw my boss strolling around in my street today. I was hanging over the banisters of my balcony, as usual spying on the passersby. When I thought I recognized his gait, but I could only see the top of his head so I wasn't sure. Told my friend Jack with whom I was having breakfast (at 1 pm) and she shouted his name at the top of her lungs, making me dive for the ground, because if it was him, I didn't want him to see me. I almost couldn't stop laughing and grinning at this action that could only come from Jack. Silly woman. He turned around, but if it was to see who was that mad woman shouting or who the hell was calling him by name. I will never know because I was too busy trying to smother my giggles and rolling on the floor.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
Kissing Doves

Saw the weirdest thing today....
While waiting for the bridge to come down and the ships to pass, I was enjoying the view, watching people, watching the scenery and watching...doves. They were circling around each-other like teenagers in love, giving each-other goo-goo eyes, brushing chest against chest (still nothing unusual). And then it happened: the female and smaller bird began to put her beak in the males throat and I mean...really deeeeepthroat. So I thought well she is his youngster and I let my eyes wonder again. But they kept going at it, and she didn't look like a baby-bird to me. And they sure seemed to be enjoying themselves, closing their eyes and stuff. Brushing against each-other... And then it clicked...they were kissing, french kissing. These doves were actually french kissing! That was a very weird discovery. They did this for a couple of minutes, went to fourth base and flew away in the opposite direction of each-other...
Mmmm sounds familiar...
While waiting for the bridge to come down and the ships to pass, I was enjoying the view, watching people, watching the scenery and watching...doves. They were circling around each-other like teenagers in love, giving each-other goo-goo eyes, brushing chest against chest (still nothing unusual). And then it happened: the female and smaller bird began to put her beak in the males throat and I mean...really deeeeepthroat. So I thought well she is his youngster and I let my eyes wonder again. But they kept going at it, and she didn't look like a baby-bird to me. And they sure seemed to be enjoying themselves, closing their eyes and stuff. Brushing against each-other... And then it clicked...they were kissing, french kissing. These doves were actually french kissing! That was a very weird discovery. They did this for a couple of minutes, went to fourth base and flew away in the opposite direction of each-other...
Mmmm sounds familiar...
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Rusty Memory

Mmmm I thought I saw a pussycat (mister O), but I'm not sure....
Oh that darn memory of mine is pure rust I tell you.
Well I was busy (training the Doberman of a friend of mine).
When I concentrate on one thing all else disappears, so not my best state of mind to recognize someone.
And this particular dog is a handful, sweet and beautiful as she is.
I said 'Hi' but he was sitting with a woman and I don't know if he has a girlfriend, wife etc... so I just walked by.
But the question remains, was it him?!
At this rate I'm never gonna get hooked up, am I.
Time to bring out the oil to smooth things over in that disaster that is my brain...

Found this poem on the net, it's so magical... I wanna remember
On the floating, shapeless oceans
I did all my best to smile
till your singing eyes and fingers
drew me loving into your eyes.
And you sang "Sail to me, sail to me;
Let me enfold you."
Here I am, here I am waiting to hold you.
Did I dream you dreamed about me?
Were you here when I was full sail?
Now my foolish boat is leaning, broken love lost on your rocks.
For you sang, "Touch me not, touch me not, come back tomorrow."
Oh my heart, oh my heart shies from the sorrow.
I'm as puzzled as a newborn child.
I'm as riddled as the tide.
Should I stand amid the breakers?
Or shall I ly with death my bride?
Hear me sing: "Swim to me, swim to me, let me enfold you."
"Here I am. Here I am, waiting to hold you."
("Song to the Siren", This Mortal Coil)
Friday, June 16, 2006
Well I've done it again, lazy ass (....) who bares my name. Tomorrow I will have to perform with my singing group and the songs just keep slipping out of my mind instead of into....grrrrrr. Of course I could have practiced all week, but no, I had to wait to the utmost last possible time to do that. Will I ever learn?! Normally I'm a bit of a deadline person, crisp of body and mind, surfing on adrenaline and fairing well by it. But not tonight, leaving me quite anxious about tomorrow... Well I can always fall back on bluffing (read: playbacking) my way through the whole ordeal. But somehow I have the feeling that's not gonna work this time. Oh deary me, got stagefright all right... OK panic attack.... AAAAaarGGHhhhhh. Eh anybody have a time-machine of sorts?
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Sweet Smiling Melancholy

Just a bit sad and sleepy today. Yesterday the birds fell of the roofs from the blazing heat and today the sky cried bitter tears over and over again. I just slept on my sofa, listening to the sound of water pounding on my window. Still it couldn't totally wash away the smiling memory of sun on my skin and wind through my hair, sweat poring out of every pore, cold water teasing and cooling my feet and blue oh so blue skies above me. Ah melancholy, bitter sweet melancholy...
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Who needs money...

Who needs money if there are sites like these to behold just around the corner... This is not a picture I would normally take, but I just couldn't resist this burst of color that had an exciting tingly feel to it. And yes...it's that time of year again...I'm totally broke, so all the things I had planned this weekend came to a dead start... but with my cam in hand the world seems brighter with every step I take.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
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