
Thursday, February 23, 2006

The angry rantings of a woman scorned

A few years back I was not a romantic...not by choice of heart but unfortunately by experience. I didn't believe in lines as "You're the one", "You're so beautiful, you take my breath away" and such. And then came one guy who broke through my heavy guarded shields with just those lines...and I fell...fell deep with a big stupid smile on my face. It was to be expected that this fairytale wasn't to end well, but hell...I was won over by the other side... And when the curtain fell, I changed into a very angry woman, who wanted the world to know...not to believe in romance, love and especially men. Well...I'm tired of being cynical now, but for all who are experiencing this crushing feeling of the heart right now...maybe this will 'cheer' you up.

Midlife Crisis Blues

Isn't it ironic?
Found my dreamguy...
Great sex, great brain, great butt.
Sex in the City eat your heart out!
He really sees me, feels me and dumps me...
Hello! No "Happy ever after",
not even a "sex after"?
Friendship and love...YEAH RIGHT
That I can get from my REAL friends.
What about orgasm?
Was oestrogen on sale? 50% off?!
Oh fuck men and being in touch.
Analyse your spermcount
Analyse your hairloss
But don't analyse your heart...
It will always be a blindspot
So've got a midlife crisis at age 31
Did you have to give me the midlife crisis blues,
to go with my scattered sex appeal as well?

Of course the poor fellow never got to see this, but the sleepy, still a little angry woman inside me, hopes he will stumble on this ranting one day soon. So guys beware of a woman scorned...Shakespeare wrote a play about it, so maybe he's got a point.

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