Does anybody have a roadmap to "I was lost, but now I am found" city? Please stand up...!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Inspiration to follow your dream...
Who want to live their dream, but maybe are afraid to do me.
"The Myth of Talent"
“To live in this world, you must be able to do three things:
to love what is mortal;
to hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it;
and, when the time comes to let it go, to let it go”.
Mary Oliver
“The good shine from afar
Like the snowy Himalayas.
The bad don’t appear
Even when near,
Like arrows shot into the night.”
Monday, July 27, 2009
YouTube Addiction
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Love your Car too Much?
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
And he sounds real nice too. I'm gonna meet him next monday...
I'm so excited. And here is the bizarre thing. He was looking for me, the same time I was looking for him.
And he found me...I didn't leave that message on Hyves after all... How strange.
There is no such thing as coincidence. Thanx Mom...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I am in total shock, in love with Hyves and again... in total shock. Want to know why? I have a half-brother I haven’t seen for about 24 years. I think, I was 9 and he was 1 year old the last time we met. Then his mother divorced my father and I lost track of him. Because my last visit was, to say the least, a bit traumatic, I decided to wait until he was about 18 to contact him. Well he’s been grown up for about 7 years now, but somehow I haven't found the nerve to go find him. Always an excuse why not to... But it has always been nagging around the edges of my mind. So about 2 months ago I was with a friend of mine, having a deep and somewhat emotional conversation and he popped up in my head again. So I thought what the heck, let’s just check Hyves and find out if he still lives in Rijswijk...and I found least it could be him. I was so shocked I didn’t know what to do. After all these years and all the excuses, I just found him with one click of my mouse...what!???? I spoke to my friends what to send him, you just can’t drop in and say... “Hey I think I am your half-sis,” not knowing if he even knows himself that he has one.... But I don’t remember if I had the courage to send him that message. Now I check my Hyves account after about 2 months and there it is... a message from him asking me if he is my half-brother....OMG, OMG O...M...G. I replied of course, don’t know what this will bring, but I’m exited...and a “bit” scared too.
Monday, July 13, 2009
How to Listen
I have many talents and skills, but listening is not one of them. Because I have my second job interview on Monday (today) with a company I really like, I have to figure out what this “tone-deaf, not listening” story is all about. When I’m nervous the “Am putting my fingers in my ears, can’t hear you, lalala” mode seems to increase. It’s not that I don’t want to, honestly...I really, really want to. But it’s mostly that every word I hear, seems to trigger a bunch of associations that run away and go mess with my head. So after a few sentences my brain feels and sounds like an orchestra playing Bach, Mozart and Death Metal all at the same time. So no wonder I can’t concentrate enough to stand still and really listen.
And let’s not forget that when I’m nervous I seem to be in love with the sound of my own voice. All the while my inner voice tries to shout over the racket of that famous orchestra and tries hard to get hold of that Woody Woodpeckers beak and squeeze it tight. But when started that motor mouth just won’t shut it. So to be able to listen, I somehow have to quiet down those enthusiastic musicians and disable my face muscles (Botox?!). It seems like a “Mission Impossible”, but I have found a cure. I’m not one of those Hippie “be in touch with yourself and planet” kind of woman. But I have found that when I meditate at least 30 minutes at the end of the day and start the day with 10 sun salutations...the world seems to quiet down, my head comes awake with the bright lightness of being. And somehow...every word I hear makes sense. I feel like, to quote John Lennon...”All you need is love.”
Well I had my job interview today...I did meditate...a lot...and it went very well. So maybe next week I have another job...I don’t know, fingers crossed...and pstttttttt I DID end up listening...:)
Monday, July 06, 2009
Lady of the Lake

Saturday, July 04, 2009