I'm shooting photo's for an architecture brochure. They want me to do it in my own style, so that's scary and exciting at the same time. For 'my' style isn't a consistent thing, it's amorph, slippery and stubborn as hell. But in spite of the freezing cold weather yesterday, the fact that I was very cranky (you would be too with feet as popsicles), it all didn't seem to influence my photography one bit. Luckily for me...I came back with some good shots. It was such lovely weather, blue skies, warm, hard light (and the Antarctic cold...well lets forget all about that shall we?). I biked for hours for I don't know The Hague that well. When I couldn't find a spot of graffiti I had searched the net for, I called an old friend and he guided me towards it. Am very grateful for that one, had almost given up after searching for more then an hour. So thanx to him it ended up being a good day.
I have to go back one more time I think. To photograph the traditional plunge in sea by thousands and thousands of crazy Dutch people at New Years day and some picts of the pier and such. Am looking forward to the dive...have been wanting to put that on film/chip for a long time, but hangovers can be such a bother...:) So this year no party for me, just going to bed early and enjoying the ecstatic faces of mad people storming me by and running, jumping and screaming towards that bitter cold sea....brrrrr.
But before I do that, I somehow have to clean my sensor, for it seems I have had a duststorm in my little baby...:( Bummer.
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