Went to the beach today with a couple of friends from Swiss. It felt so good to be outside...the light was just beautiful...soft air brushing against my skin. Didn't let my hair down (had my camera with me...so didn't want to see hair flopping in front of my lens). Enjoyed being in the open air. I promiss myself that I will do that more often.

The babyblue accents on the waves were really amazing, because the sky was just very grey but above the horizon the sky was baby blue and somehow, sometimes...this refected on the waves. Really special and strange...a hint of color in a grey world...like hope peeking round the corner.

We found some roses on the beach...and sticked them in the sand...such a beautiful and strange sight...

Love dogs on the beach... he really looked like he was having the time of his life... Run, run, run, ball, ball, ball, splash, catch....run, run, run.....Jippieeeeeee (Would love to be a dog on the beach some time...)

Oh and I raced through a red light...because it was like a Madurodam kind of size....er...very small...in the middle of the road...for no good reason I could see. I thought it might be a warning sign or something. But when I saw all the other people stop...oeps oeps oeps... Did I mention I rode up the wrong side of a parking lot this week. I think the local alarms should go off when I step into my little car. Thanx angels on my shoulder...good work this week...:) Phew!
the color is amazing. looks photoshopped. looks like it should be edible.
we love you too... M&B
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