I was all fired up yesterday about starting fresh this morning...arriving very early at my job (am always late) and go at it like a fire-starter (so much to do). I should know by now, that’s not how it works. And when ever I get a thought like that, my inner alarms should go off like there’s no tomorrow. But of course...THAT...didn’t happen.
Put my buzzer at 6 o’clock, planning a little morning yoga, getting a good breakfast (porridge), enjoying a longgggg shower. But of course....THAT...didn’t happen either. I went to bed so early yesterday night, had a freak nightmare that stood all my hairs on end at 3 o’clock in the morning. Wondered through the house for an hour and then fell asleep to never wake up in time, slamming my buzzer to oblivion and well didn’t get a good start. But well why stop there? Why not make it a ‘little’ bit worse...hey why not? (How do I hate that Murphy).
Got on the train just in time...and that got a grin on my face...for I could sit for once. Arrived at Schiedam to stumble and almost getting thrown off by the immense crowd gathering and blocking my way to my favorite spot on the platform. Again...alarm-bells should have been whaling, jumping up and down and screaming bloody murder... But of course....THAT....will NEVER happen. So I sat down, froze by butt off, chatted to an acquaintance and got colder and colder and...well...colder and still no train in sight. Then a voice, booming like God descended on earth himself, said in a casual way “Due to an unexpected delay in maintenance we are sad to report that all trains to The Hague, Leiden and Amsterdam will not be driving today. Substitute trains will be put in, but when and where they will arrive at this station is not known. Please stay tuned and listen to the announcer for more information.” What the f... I’m cold, the platform looks like a beehive in a frenzy, how am I ever gonna get on a train, let alone work?
Well I don’t of course. For 2 trains 1/3 of their usual size arrived within an hour, arriving totally crammed up with people. You could see the people inside being pressed against the glass and the doors and I’m suppose to get in there? Hell no. But as a good employee trying to get to work, I did try. I really did, to the point that I tried to highjack the back of the train where the driver sits when the train is going the other way. Some people managed to get in, but well...I got kicked out. And I was so bloody cold, I was ready to cry or start shouting to no-one or anything in particular, a pole would do... Arrrrggggghhhhh. So I took a deep breath, thought things through and called my boss to tell him I was not going to make it today. I would switch my usual day off for today and I’m gonna ly in bed and try to get warm...which eventually happened after...4 hours or so...brrrrrrrrr.
I’m ok now, but what a way to start my week. Now what’s the lesson to be learned from this? Forget good intentions, you either just do it, or you forget about it totally. For if you don’t, Murphy will surely be making a house-call and then you’ll be sorry...:)
PS: If I'm really honest and I mean reaaaallllyyy honest, I wasn't feeling up to working today. Had a bit of a confusing, exiting and strange weekend. So on retrospect....that Murphy isn't so bad at all, maybe I should give him a ring and thank him. Mmm maybe I'll just do that.
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