Woke up early this morning because of the bright light vibrating through my window. I looked outside...snow! So I shot into my clothes and rushed outside. Walked around for 2 hours, shot a ridiculous amount of pictures, but I had fun, so that's what counts.

(smile) having fun is ALL that counts, I believe. Why excuse your photographic excess? What is excess?
My mantra used to be "Excess is not enough."
Gonna' have to blog on this. Throwing me into a deep well of reverie.
Glad to be off inspiration...:) It's sport of mine to take at least 1 good photo every 5 pictures. But I couldn't care less this morning just shot away and it felt good en free en happy. You can still see my mood though, still a bit gloomy...:) But it's getting better. Wish I could ly in the sun in a bikini, sunglass, cocktail in my hand...heaven.
yep, we're all starved for sun this time of year. NEED some spring.
thanks for the link - I checked it out and you're right - it made me smile. Esp. the photos of that adorable little girl - what a sweet little cupcake she is!
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