
Friday, May 21, 2010

Dancing on the Ceiling

Had my first Reiki session ever yesterday. Didn't know quite what to expect...but I like it...very much. I have been so tired lately, people must wonder if I'm talking to them or the person standing next to them. The eyes of the Siamese cat down the street look normal compared to my double-double crossed eyed look. That is...until yesterday. Today I feel all bubbly and breezy. So much so, that it almost seems ridiculous. Needless to say that I like Reiki and I am going back for more. And to boot, Miss C. is a sweet, intelligent person and I'm just in love with her cute, little dog. So if you live near Rotterdam I can recommend the Reikisalon. I'm very curious how long this energy vibe will last. But I can only say....Wowowowow.... I'm backkkkkkk.

1 comment:

Hayden said...

very cool, very interesting. I've friends that do Reiki, but I don't myself and don't quite "get it." would love to hear how it 'lasted' and how you responded as time passed.

having energy fade doesn't invalidate it. It does help develop the energy 'signature' that I'm trying to understand.