A colleague / friend of mine asked me a while ago if I could take some pictures of her Charpei. Never took pictures of dogs before...and these are quite the characters so I said 'Yes'. There seems to develop a pattern in me laughing to loud and not being able to get good picts. But hey...look at that face...it's priceless...come on! He just looks like Olivier Bommel, he has blue blood running through his vains...:)
After our shoot we went to her mother's house (also a friend of mine) and I took some pictures of her Charpei's too. That was totally hilarious, because as soon as they saw the cam, they ran for cover.... mother and daughter running after them. I felt like I was watching a Charlie Chaplin movie with color and sound. I was laughing so loud it hurt. Finally I got them to sit still for a second and got a good shot. I don't know how those photographers do it...getting those animals to sit still...is like being Gandi and Houdini at the same time... But it is quite a good sport and laugh... Hope they will be happy with the picts.