I am a lousy housewife, I have a household of 'Jan Steen' and would really never be called a Stephord Wife...I don't like to clean, I'm not good at it and I never know where to begin, so mostly I don't start at all. But after many, many...many years I finally found the solution to my problem... Why slave hours and hours in a kitchen, or on all 4 cleaning the floor, doing a 2 week laundry all at once..when there are...TV breaks!
It's so simple, I can only call it genius. I have found that cleaning and organizing during the 5 minute TV-break is just long enough to do something and short enough to not get bored. It even get's me running to get finished before the bell. A bit of competition brings fun into the game. And now I even like my 5 minute cleaning breaks. There is still a lot to do. But my 5 minutes are stacking up and my house looks half decent after 2 days of TV-breaks.
I really could recommend this one...to everyone...so join in and let me know if it works....:)